Saturday, October 25, 2014

Partially lit

Sometimes I like to drive to the temple and just sit in the parking lot. Actually, I do this quite often...
I come here for alone time. I come here to ponder. To read my scriptures. To sing primary songs (don't laugh). To eat granola bars. All the important things in life! 

This last time around was an experience I felt like sharing.

I had just finished a wonderful night out with a dear friend. I was feeling good, but, to be totally truthful, I had a rough week. There were many things on my mind. I was planning on going to the temple the next morning, but, I just couldn't wait. I made another drive to the temple.

I arrived a little after 10pm, the parking lot was mostly empty, and the temple lights were turned down. I drove around the parking lot a bit, seeking the right spot.

After many minutes of my indecisiveness, I found a spot around the south side of the temple.

I sat in my car for a couple of minutes, letting my mind race through thought after thought. I didn't know where to begin. Many of my goals seemed to be falling through, I felt the pressure of challenges ahead, I thought about close friends and families members who were in need of guidance, I thought about how I myself was in need of guidance and assurance, and of the assistance I needed in overcoming inadequacies. Completely overwhelmed, I began to just pour my heart out to Heavenly Father.

Every single thing I was feeling, I told Him.

A couple of minutes later, I found myself staring straight ahead. I wasn't exactly staring at the temple though.

I was staring at a handicap parking spot positioned right in front of me.

My thoughts were turned to limitations. Primarily the limitations I have that were overwhelming my mind; whether they be physical, social, spiritual, or limitations brought on to myself by fear or feelings of inadequacy.

At first I didn't understand. I had just prayed, asking for direction and comfort. Why was I being reminded of things I already knew, and didn't want to be defined by?

But, as in all things, patience was key.

Next, I took sight to the temple, which was right behind the handicap parking spot. I now had the bigger picture in view.

I looked up at the temple. Oh, the Gilbert Temple. It looked so beautiful. I was overcome with emotion over it's glory. It stood so tall and pure.

It shined so brightly to me, even though it was not completely lit up. But it was enough.

And there was my comfort.

The temple was beautiful and glorious, strong and stable, tall and pure, even though it was not completely lit up. The light it did shine was just enough. It was still glorious despite it's nightly limitation of light.

I found peace in the tender mercy that was sent my way this night. It was a perfect manifestation of God's love, and Christ's enabling strength.

It is okay to be partially lit. Those small lights found in the dark of night will always be cherished. That is the light that keeps us going when we are otherwise in shadows. Those are our lights that have the most strength, burn the brightest, and will not be dimmed. There is always a little bit of faith to hold on to. And that is enough.

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