Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I laughed Instead

The past week, I have pondered something that brings joy to both the giver and receiver. Something that is beautiful and lovely. Something that has the power to turn tears in to laughter.


A couple of weeks ago, I found myself overwhelmed by things that are out of my control. It was my opportunity at the moment to press forward with faith and have hope in Christ. I knew that everything would be okay, but I was still feeling a little bit weary and anxious.

I was talking to my friend Isaac about my situation. Despite my friend's busy schedule, and the various things he could have directed his attention to that night, this friend said that he would come by after work.

I felt bad at first. I didn't need to take up his time. And if I did, I was sure I would just end up crying. I didn't want to seem weak. I wanted to be a supporter, not a "supportee".

Well, I didn't end up crying.

My friend came over, then brought me to another friend's house. This other awesome friend of ours was also set back by some challenges, but, these in no way hindered joyous times to be had.

We all had a wonderful time visiting with each other. I was laughing at nearly everything. It felt so good to be there, that I began to forget the things I was worried about. It was beautiful, and I was truly being served by both of my friends as we spoke together and watched quality entertainment.

After this, my friend brought me to an activity I really hadn't planned on participating in. This was another service to me, because it gave me an extra push that I needed. It helped me recognize how to have fun, even when you're struggling.

At the end of the night, I thanked Isaac for letting me tag along with the visit and activity. What an adventure! It made my night, and helped me think less of the weight on my shoulders. He said that was the purpose behind it.

My friend chose to serve me that night by helping me think of others, and of other things. He could have sent me a comforting text, told me everything would be okay, brought me some ice-cream...all of these things would have been wonderful and helpful. But somehow, what he did for me that night was what I needed at that specific moment....and I didn't even know that I needed it. I am so blessed to have friends that are incredibly aware of me, and have the ability to carry out services that improve my spirit.

I am so grateful for the lesson that I was taught that night. It reminded me of the importance of service, and how it enables both givers and receivers with courage and faith. It inspired me to steer my thoughts away from myself, and position them with love and gratitude towards others. The greatest answers to my prayers have come from the seemingly small actions and words that others give to me. These are the moments that help me Come unto Christ and be of good cheer. I want to help other's come unto Christ as well.

Next time I feel like crying, I want to have the courage to laugh instead. ...And I know how :)


Adventure, adventure, adventure! Sometimes my heart seems to scream for adventure. I get this intense desire to drop everything and just go on some quest of sorts.

So this means I'm ready to climb the highest mountain peaks, scope the deep blue sea, and save the world, right?


My kind of adventure is following a cat around a neighborhood. Handing out fortune cookies to people on the city streets. Longboarding through the park at night. Hiking a mountain at night to see all the lights coming from houses and cars. Journeying through an over-sized furniture store and pretending the floor is covered in hot lava. Ding-dong ditching my neighbors and leaving actual Hostess Ding-Dongs at their doorstep. Going to Barnes and Nobel and reliving my childhood by reading all my old favorite picture books. Going to a park with a tire swing to have a jolly good time! People watching at the mall. Volunteering with something cool! Going fishing because I've never been, and I want to see for myself whether it is boring or not! Looking up at the stars and pretending I'm an astronomer. Jumping a fence!

Pretty dang exciting, eh?

My point is, sometimes I feel like there are so many things that I want to do, but I don't have the time to do it all. Mostly because I'm in school, or working. Or, I don't have anyone to do these things with, because they are in school or working. I keep hoping and waiting for adventures. I keep longing for the fun times. The good life.

But, wait a second! Isn't my life fun? Aren't I living the good life? Isn't my life an adventure?

Lately, I have been thinking about how fragile life is. I've been thinking about how we tend to take so many things for granted; so many people for granted. I've been thinking about how life is too short for...such and such. I've been thinking a lot about everything that has happened in my life.

Well, I have something to say...

My life is good, real good.

I have adventures everyday, right?

What about how I wake up early enough to see the sunrise each morning? What about how I get to walk about in downtown Phoenix nearly everyday? What about how I am learning to be a nurse every day I go to school? What about how I get to watch Spongebob at work? What about all those fun church activities I somehow have time for? What about the moments I get to have a conversation with a dear friend? What about all the times that I finally arrive at a destination, but have difficulty parking? What about the times I laugh with my brothers about something no one else would fully understand? What about all the crazy things that take place in the Montez home? What about the opportunities I have to serve others? What about the times my patients thank me, tell me about their lives, or reach for my hand? What about when I witness tender mercies in my life, and feel answers to my prayers?

These are all adventures! My whole life is an adventure.

Sometimes we just need the eyes to see beyond the mountains that stand in our way and make us feel small. However, these mountains are necessary, and a part of the adventure. Our adventure is to continue traveling upwards in the journey and enjoy each minute of it. Even the smallest events in life add to our adventure, and I wouldn't want to miss any part of it.

So, my list of adventures still awaits. But in the meantime, I'm pretty grateful for the unplanned adventures that take place in my life everyday. Each event in my life has an adventurous story in my book. I'm grateful for all the memories, and am determined to make more :) "Adventure is out there".